Castelsardo is a city located northeast of Sassari, on the promontory on the Gulf of Asinara. According to the “Borghi più Belli d’Italia” guide, it is one of the seven Sardinian Royal Cities.
The town is dominated by the castle which was built behind the order of the Doria family of Genoa back in the 12th century. In the mid 15th century, Castelsardo fell to the Aragonese people, and the name of the fortress changed.
Today the castle hosts the Museum of Basketry and Wickerwork, where visitors can see the old Mediterranean crafts.
Over the centuries, this museum has become more important than in the past and it is quoted in different books about Sardinia, which talk about the production of baskets, rugs, lobster pots and “su fassoi”, which are the fishing boats used in the past to navigate the marshes near to Oristano.
Having completed the tour of the museum, visitors will want to make the walk along the castle ramparts from where, on clear days, the view extends across the sea as far as Corsica.
You also have to visit the Cathedral of Sant’Antonio Abate, built in the 16th century. It is stone-paved square and it conserves one of the very important piece of art made by the Master of Castelsardo, is conserved.
Nearby there is the the Church of Santa Maria, where visitors have the chance to admire the 14th century “Lu Cristu Nieddu“, the Black Christ crucifix.
During the “Lunissanti“, which is the All Saints’ Day, it is paraded through the streets of the town, as a symbolic protection for all the local people who have to be aware of the Devil. In fact, the religion is a very important element in the everyday life, especially in the Southern part of Italy and in Sardinia.