The MAN Art Museum located in Sardinia, in the province of Nuoro, is hosting a very interesting exhibition of Gavino Tilocca, one of the major Italian ceramists during the 1950’s and 60’s.
He was very famous for his great sense of both color and formal tension, as well as the shape of his works.
Most of them, in fact, looked like animals inspired by the Nuragic past and traditions of the island.
Organized by Eikon snc, with a contribution from the Fondazione Banco di Sardegna, and sponsored by the Department of Tourism, Craft and Trade of the Region of Sardinia, the exhibit, which has been entitles Ceramiche (ceramics in English) and consists of more than 110 pieces, is the first comprehensive occasion to see Tilocca’s works.
During the visit you will also receive an Eikon catalogue edited by Davide Mariani and written by Giuliana Altea and Antonella Camarda, and you will be amused by the music of the Nuoro Ente Musicale.
A unique chance for tourists to see something different than the same old monuments while discovering one of the Italian traditions of the past. All the visitors who had the chance to see the exhibition– it opened in November 2013, were amazed by the quality and the originality of the products.
That’s probably why you don’t have to waste this chance if you happen to be in the area by January 12th.
Tickets are 3.00 €, having a reduction of 1 € for students between 18 and 25. No charge under 18 and over 65. There is also a free entry for everybody on the last Sundays of the month.
In order to book a ticket or to have further information, contact directly the museum:
MAN Art Museum of the Province of Nuoro
Via Sebastiano Satta 27
08100 Nuoro
Telephone: (+39) 0784 25 21 10
E-mail: [email protected]